The cycles of violence we experience and witness is beyond what we can bear and yet, here we are, choosing to create and find love within despite the larger backdrop.
Amidst the tragedies, our lives and the very mundane carry on, creating very surreal experiences ... we’re in the middle of two very powerful eclipses - one that just happened on 10/14 and then the next one happens on 10/28 along with the Full Moon.
If I were to show you my notebook, you’d see a lot of spiral diagrams. I’m beginning to think we live in spiral timing - moving backwards, forwards, up, down, left, right.
If we “miss” a lesson the first time, the carousel spins around again and we’ve got another shot. In my viewfinder (what I call the space in my mind where I see psychic images) I see it like exiting a highway - if we miss the signs for our exit, there is always another way to get to the next destination.
It is so beautiful and simple. Like a leaf unfurling - we’re moving through our lessons and time like a spiral staircase, moving upwards and downwards.
How I’m seeing this in my own life is in my own identity work: choices I could have made 15, 10, 5, 3, 1 year(s) ago are presenting themselves again - offering up an opportunity for me to address them. If we go back to the highway metaphor - imagine these as billboards + signs - simply existing along the road, there for you to pay attention to (or not).
The signs along the highway are opportunities for growth, change, healing, closing- we can keep on or we can choose to address these things.
If we choose to keep moving on without addressing these signs, these opportunities - they stop, for a bit…but I’ve found that its just temporary and this choices are being reconfigured, showing up again in new places and in new people.
For me - the choice points and spiritual billboards + opportunities have all been pointing me towards accepting the fullness of my identity.
I kept making choices to keep me in the two dimensional but then I’d find myself awake at night doing the mental math to justify why my choices to stay 2 dimensional were keeping myself safe + protected.
What I’ve come to land on is the simple awareness that there is no “right” answer or “right” timing. There are just opportunities and timing. See the opportunity to take the exit or keep going - all of it is an experience.
If I am not ready for the conversation that’s going to rock me into a new reality, I can choose to stay on the current path that I am on. I can keep denying opportunities for growth because I’m afraid of what will happen. That is my free will. The thing is, no matter what road you find yourself on, the trip is going to start advertising for some of the other experiences you have available to you - the opportunities to take that other trip come to you.
The choice becomes choosing awareness - becoming sensitive to the environmental cues around you, alerting you to NEW POTENTIAL PATHS. From my experience, Denial is one of the strongest set of blinders - keeping your perception limited, constricted.
Any feeling that trips your fear mindset is going to blur your ability to tune in. This is not a time for self-judgment. We move through fear with compassion, with curiosity, with time, and by being vulnerable - being willing to rest in its uncertain energy. Surrendering to the fear gives way to strength. A strength developed by being willing to plumb the depths of life.
Can I allow myself to…
loosen the grip on how others see me?
move more deeply into my own body so my authentic gifts can be released through me?
have space + compassion for myself to develop fully
What I’ve been up to lately: